Extra Credit | April BBCJA


The Hampton Roads Black Media Professionals has an upcoming Journalism Academy on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, at 7:00 pm (Eastern). If you are interested in attending, use this link to join the Zoom.

The purpose of the Byron Burney Community Journalism Academy (BBCJA) is to give students an opportunity to express themselves, utilizing whatever media format they are most interested in.

This month’s session will focus on Race Relations, Law Enforcement, and the Role of Corporate America.

Activity #1:

Write an op ed article or create a political cartoon that answers one of the following questions:

  1. What is your opinion of police in wake of the following current events: the Derek Chauvin Trial, the shooting at Brooklyn Center, the police stop in Windsor and the shooting of a 13-year-old in Chicago?
  2. The All-Star Game recently pulled out of Georgia in response to the new voting law. What role should businesses and organizations play when it comes to race relations in this country?

Activity #2:

Interview your school’s resource officer or someone you know in law enforcement about their relationship with young people and minority communities. (Either replay the interview during Wednesday’s Academy session or prepare to share commentary on that interview.)

  1. What are their thoughts about the recent current events? 
  2. Has their view of the job changed at all due to recent current events?  
  3. What do they see as their role when it comes to building bridges?

Extra Credit:

Activity Points  Points Verification Task(s)
  • Attend and participate in the Journalism Academy on April 21, 2021, at 7:00 pm. 
5 Comment below 4-5 detailed sentences about what you learned from this experience of participating in the Journalism Academy by 11:59 pm April 26, 2021. 
  • Complete Activity #1 or Activity #2.
20 Submit your high-quality original story, interview, animation, or public service campaign to Bear Facts for publishing consideration. You must email me your creation by 11:59 pm April 30, 2021.