Late Work Submission Process

If you have completed classwork after grades have been posted in PowerSchool, you will need to complete a Late Work Submission Form so that I can update your grades on PowerSchool. {This link will force you to press the blue “MAKE A COPY” button. See picture below.}

**Please carefully complete the “Late Work Submission Form” and share the document with me by clicking on the blue “share” button in the upper right-hand corner of the Google Doc and sharing it with my HCS email (


Once I receive your form, I will update your grades on PowerSchool within (1) week of receiving your “Late Work Submission Form.” Please understand that I will work as fast as I can to update your grades. However, grading late work and updating grades on PowerSchool takes time, so any “Late Work Submission Forms” must be received at least a week prior to any major grading deadline for Progress Reports or Report Cards.  


If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know as soon as possible. You can also use my Calendly link to schedule a Virtual Classroom Meeting through Zoom or email me at