F.A.Q.s (Student Edition)

  • Q: Can we have a free day/party/nap time?

A: Yes, on June 19th. Mark it on your planner.

  • Q: Am I your favorite?

A: Yes.

  • Q: Can we watch the movie instead?

A: No. However, I might be able to show a few clips that are directly related to our lesson.

  • Q: Is this for a grade?

A: Ultimately, yes. Although I may not evaluate every individual item for a grade, the learning from it is related to the next step in the process. Skipping assignments means you’ll be unprepared for the next part of our learning.

  • Q: Where do I turn in my work?

A: Check Google Classroom. Each assignment has detailed directions on where to complete each assignment.

  • Q: What are we doing today?

A: LEARNING! (Check the Google Classroom and/or the classroom easel for today’s Learning Intentions, Success Criteria, and assignments.)

  • Q: Did we do anything while I was absent?

A: Yes, please check the Google Classroom “Classwork” tab and/or the Google calendar for all assignments.

  • Q: Can I go to another room to get something?

A: To quote Meghan Trainer, “No.” Please do this before class.